
Three Years Among the Comanches : The Narrative of the Texas Ranger


This narrative has been recorded, as received from Nelson Lee's lips, from day to day, not precisely in his own words, inasmuch as he is not an educated, though an intelligent man, but his history is told substantially as he relates it. Of the entire truth of his statements, however marvelous many of them may appear, or however much the incredulous may be inclined to dispute, there can be no reasonable doubt. Evidences corroborating them are abundant. He bears upon his person the visible scars of all the wounds he is represented as having received in the border wars of Texas, and while a prisoner among the Indians. He is familiar, to the minutest detail, with the history of those stirring times when Jack Hays, and Ben McCullough, and Ewen Cameron, at the head of the hardy Rangers were wont to sally forth from the grand square of San Antonio, to uphold the banner of the "lone star'' against Mexican domination.