This eBook edition of "Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. "Weapon of Choice" presents a history of the U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America's global war on terrorism. The purpose of the book is not to resolve Army special operations doctrinal issues, to clarify or update military definitions, or to be the "definitive" history of the continuing unconventional war in Afghanistan. The purpose is to demonstrate how the war to drive the Taliban from power, help Afghan people, and assist the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) rebuild the country afterward was successfully accomplished by majors, captains, warrant officers, and sergeants on tactical teams and aircrews at the lowest levels. Contents: Prelude to Terror Awakening the Giant "Subdue Without Fighting" Developing the SOF Campaign Top Draft Choices Committed to Middle East Exercises Civil Affairs to Islamabad, Pakistan Site Coordination With the Uzbeks at Karshi Kanabad Uncorking the Bottled Airlift Toppling the Taliban in Afghanistan, 19 October-7 December 2001 Jumping Into the Dark Showing American Power "Look, We Have to Get the Special Forces Teams Into Afghanistan!" On Horseback With Dostum A "Bump" and Missiles in the Abyss 500 Afghans Can Die, But Not One American Can Be Injured Al-Qaeda Uprising—Qala-i-Jangi The Karzai Way to Kandahar The Campaign in Transition, 8 December 2001-28 February 2002 Old Glory Flies Again in Kabul Taking Down al-Qaeda at the Mir Wais Hospital Politics, War, and Rapport End of Mission—Aerial Resupply in Afghanistan The New War Entering the Valley D-Day ANACONDA From the Viewpoint of Force Multipliers "Good Morrrrning, Afghannnnistan" Driving the Taliban From Power Transition and Combat Operations
Weapon of Choice : U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War
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