
A Heart to Pray And A Mind to Work


The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell the story of the Jews who came out of Babylon and returned to the land of their fathers to rebuild and restore Jerusalem. These books are more than just an ancient record of events that happened in the distant past, they are filled with inspiration and instruction that is relevant to 21st-century disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) who have heard the end-time call to come out of spiritual Babylon and return to the holy realm of the heavenly places.

If you have heard the call to leave the carnality, the confusion, and the worldly compromise that exists in today's church . . .

If you long to return to the ancient paths of the Patriarchs and Prophets . . .

If you want to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints . . . then this book is for you.

Lukija: Jay Carper
