
A Summer Game


A family in trade moving up in the world. A family of landed gentry stepping aside for them. And the sons and daughters caught in the middle.

Angie Fletcher is the lively, mischievous daughter of the family. All she wants in her life is music and dancing, plenty of pretty new bonnets, and perhaps just the occasional trick played on her tolerant family. She’s been unusually well-behaved during the season in London, in dread of the least transgression curtailing all those glorious balls. Now the family is off to Bath, and freedom - surely a little game won’t hurt? But Bath residents are not as forgiving as Angie expected, and she soon finds herself in deeper trouble than she could have imagined.

Mr B Appleby is a man of strict routine, and even stricter principles. His orderly life was disrupted when his uncle married and cut him out of his expected inheritance. He’s not quite sure what to do with his life, but perhaps something will turn up. He has no chance of marrying now, but he doesn’t care about that - women are flighty, frivolous creatures, not worth noticing, and especially that irritating Fletcher girl, even though she dances like an angel. But then a miracle occurs - an anonymous letter from a secret admirer. There is one woman in Bath who values him, after all. But who can it possibly be? Who would be so daring?

This is a complete story with a happy ever after. A traditional Regency romance, drawing room rather than bedroom. Book 3 of a 6 book series.

Lukija: Joanna Stephens