Advances in Organic Synthesis is abook series devoted to the latest advances in synthetic approaches towardschallenging structures. The series presents comprehensive reviews written byeminent authorities on different synthetic approaches to selected targetmolecules and new methods developed to achieve specific synthetictransformations or optimal product yields. Advances in Organic Synthesisis essential for all organic chemists in academia and the industry who wish tokeep abreast of rapid and important developments in the field. This volume presents the following reviews:Electroluminescent polymers - a review on synthesis from organic compoundsRemarkable advances in the asymmetric synthesis of biologically active natural compounds from the advent of chiral auxiliariesThe chemistry of ynamides and their application in organic synthesisCarbon-heteroatom bond formation for medium ring heterocyclesTin(ii) salts: versatile and efficient lewis acid catalysts in reactions to add value to the glycerol and terpenic alcohols(E)-n-methyl-1-(methylthio)-2-nitroethenamine (nmsm) as a versatile ambiphilic synthon in organic synthesis
Elephants on Acid : The most outrageous experiments from the history of science
Alex Boese
audiobookHälytysajossa : Elämää, kuolemaa ja palomies-ensihoitajan arkea
Lauri Ronkanen, Reijo Ronkanen
Chrystia Freeland
audiobookMaalaislääkärin muistelmat
Tapani Kiminkinen
audiobookbookTonneja takana : Rekkakuskien parhaat jutut
Lamppu Laamanen
audiobookbookThe Sacred Depths of Nature
Ursula Goodenough
audiobookKirurgina Ruandassa
Seppo Salminen, Leena Hirvonen
audiobookbookAivokirurgin muistelmat
Juha Hernesniemi
audiobookbookElectrified Sheep : Bizarre experiments from the bestselling author of Elephants on Acid
Alex Boese
audiobookKutsukaa traumakirurgi : Kriiseistä onnettomuuksiin, sodista tsunamiin
Ari Leppäniemi
audiobookbookÄidin julma syli
Gregg Olsen
audiobookbook"Sun poika kävi täällä"
Venla Kuoppamäki