
Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations


There are many civilizations which existed in pre-history and most of them are now lost to our knowledge and ken. Many of them were lost when the Oceans rose during the melting from the last Ice Age. Some were just buried and have recently come to light

In this book we examine many of these lesser known civilizations and cities and look at some incredible extensions of how far back in history civilization actually goes. We are talking about societies which existed from recent history back to 75,000 years ago.

Also, Giants were one of the races of early history. What did Giants have to do with these early civilizations? There are also some interesting gaps in the histories of civilizations to examine.

One of these Ancient Civilizations was Atlantis so I’ve also included the content of my book “The Real Atlantis-In the Eye of the Sahara” as a legitimate ancient civilization—and I have a great case!

Come on this journey to take an overall view of ancient and lesser known civilizations to build a new strategic overview of the past of human history.