
Bigger Than Me : Just When I thought I Had all the Answers, God Changed the Questions


Have you wondered, Is this all there is?

Somehow we've bought into the lie that the good life is a showy one. But the greatest adventures come when we stop living for self and what the world says is important—and start living for things that really matter. Nothing is duller, in the long run, than one more bag of money, one more business conquest, or one more round of earthly pleasure. The returns are depressingly diminishing.

Bigger Than Me is a collection of candid reflections from a successful businessman about money, ego, truth, busyness, solitude, legacy, dying, faith, gratitude, and much more. His early worldly accomplishments taught him first hand that there are deeper, more satisfying goals in life than those our culture celebrates.

If you've found yourself looking for deeper purpose and meaning, this book will inspire you to make a course correction that doesn't involve sweeping the past aside. Rather, you can use all of life's lessons to build something new and bigger than yourself.