Biochemistry:Fundamentals and Bioenergetics presents information about the basic andapplied aspects of the chemistry of living organisms. The textbook covers the scopeand importance of biochemistry, the latest physical techniques to determine biomolecularstructure, detailed classification, structure and function of biomolecules suchas carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins,enzymes and hormones. Readers will also learn aboutprocesses central to energy metabolism including photosynthesis andrespiration, oxidative phosphorylation, DNA replication, transcription andtranslation, recombinant DNA technology. Key Features- logical approach to biochemistry with several examples- 10 organizedchapters on biochemistry fundamentals and metabolism- focus onbiomolecules and biochemical processes - referencesfor further reading Biochemistry:Fundamentals and Bioenergetics is a useful textbook for undergraduatestudents involved in courses in life sciences, biochemistry and other branchesof natural sciences.
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