
Competition Secrets


Suzanne, Jasimine and Becky are at the House of Romance for an international competition. The most beautiful and talented women in the world have arrived and the competition is fierce. One of these three competitors has a big secret, and two of these women fall in love with one another and the secret will be very important to the future of the relationship.

"A wonderful read and what an imagination on the part of the author." JoAnn, Richmond, VA

"The whole story is wild and crazy. But it was fun, and in the end, well I could say but I don´t want anyone to know how it ends and spoil your day, but I liked it." Catherine, Columbus, OH

"There was a lot going on in this story and it was a story line that I have never, ever, read before in my entire life. My partner said it was too out there. I told her she needs to loosen up and get away from her Jerry Falwell books." Mellisa, Scottsdale, AZ