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  1. From Here to Security : How Workplace Savings Can Keep America's Promise

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  2. The Grizzly Steppe Report (Unmasking the Russian Cyber Activity) : Official Joint Analysis Report: Tools and Hacking Techniques Used to Interfere the U.S. Elections

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation

  3. Security Beyond the State : The EU in an Age of Transformation

  4. Moscow Rules : What Drives Russia to Confront the West

    Keir Giles

  5. Russian Cyber Attack - Grizzly Steppe Report & The Rules of Cyber Warfare : Hacking Techniques Used to Interfere the U.S. Election and to Exploit Government & Private Sectors, Recommended Mitigation Strategies and International Cyber-Conflict Law

    U.S. Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College

  6. International Security

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  7. International Conflicts in Cyberspace - Battlefield of the 21st Century : Cyber Attacks at State Level, Legislation of Cyber Conflicts, Opposite Views by Different Countries on Cyber Security Control & Report on the Latest Case of Russian Hacking of Government Sectors

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  8. Ulkoministeriä kaatamassa : Operaatio Keijo Korhosta vastaan 1976–1977

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  9. Exploding Data : Reclaiming Our Cyber Security in the Digital Age

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  10. ISIS Exposed

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  11. Suomen kolmas tasavalta : Hallitsemistapa EU-aikakaudella

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  12. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar

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