Dance plays an important role in many religious traditions, in rites of passage, processions, healing rituals or festivals. But it is also controversial, especially in Christianity. Colonial European Christian discourses tend to separate dance from religion(s) and spirituality. This volume explores dance as "Third Space", following Homi Bhabha's postcolonial metaphor. The "Inter-Dance approach" combines interdisciplinary theoretical considerations with case studies. International experts examine dance controversies and discourses from the early church to World Christianity, as well as in Hasidic Judaism, Greek mysteries, Islamic Sufism, West African Togolese religions, and Afro-Brazilian Umbanda. Christian dance theologies are unfolded and the boundary-crossing potential of dance in interreligious and intercultural encounters is explored. The volume breaks new ground in how dance as ephemeral performative art, embodied thought and gendered discourse can transform studies of religion.
Approaches to the Visual in Religion
bookSecular and Sacred? : The Scandinavian Case of Religion in Human Rights, Law and Public Space
bookMore than a Provocation : Sexuality, Media and Theology
Stefanie Knauss
bookMeaning and Melancholy in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas
Stine Holte
bookDance To My Ministry : Exploring Hip-Hop Spirituality
Carl Petter Opsahl
bookThe Spaces of Others – Heterotopic Spaces : Practicing and Theorizing Hospitality and Counter-Conduct beyond the Religion/Secular Border
book"Born Again": A Portrait and Analysis of the Doctrine of Regeneration within Evangelical Protestantism
Stephen J. Hamilton
bookIntercultural Theology : Exploring World Christianity after the Cultural Turn
Judith Gruber
bookReligion and Difference : Contested Contemporary Issues
Trygve Wyller, Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Stefanie Knauss, Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Hans-Joachim Sander, Carla Danani
bookProtestantism and Protestantization
bookRobinson Crusoe tries again : Missiology and European Constructions of "Self" and "Other" in a Global World 1789–2010
Werner Ustorf