According to Wikipedia: "John Dewey (October 20, 1859 – June 1, 1952) was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose thoughts and ideas have been greatly influential in the United States and around the world. Dewey, along with Charles Sanders Peirce and William James, is recognized as one of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism. He is also one of the founders of functional psychology and was a leading representative of the progressive movement in U.S. schooling during the first half of the 20th century."
The Collected Works of John Dewey : PergamonMedia
John Dewey
bookNaturaleza humana y conducta : Introducción a la psicología social
John Dewey
bookDelphi Collected Works of John Dewey Illustrated
John Dewey
bookDelphi Complete Works of John Dewey Illustrated
John Dewey
bookSchools of to-morrow
John Dewey, Evelyn Dewey
bookCreative Intelligence : Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude
Horace Meyer Kallen, John Dewey, James Hayden Tufts, George H. Mead, Harold Chapman Brown, Henry Waldgrave Stuart, Addison Webster Moore, Boyd Henry Bode
bookThe Universal Compass for Educators
John Dewey
bookThe Schools of Utopia + Schools of To-morrow (Illustrated Edition)
John Dewey
bookChina, Japan and U.S.A: The Geopolitical Analysis : Geopolitical Analysis on the Impact of Eastern Powers on United States
John Dewey
bookThe Schools of Utopia & Schools of To-morrow : Illustrated Edition
John Dewey
bookChina, Japan and the U.S.A : Geopolitical Analysis on the Impact of Eastern Powers on United States
John Dewey
Evangelium enligt Matteus : En bibelteologisk kommentar
Håkan Sunnliden
bookVad tror du på? Kristendom för nyfikna
Sören Dalevi
bookWorks of Martin Luther
Martin Luther
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bookHartauskirja - Osa 1
Erkki Viinikainen
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Bessel van der Kolk
audiobookbookKristillisen uskon perusteet : Johdatus teologiaan
Alister McGrath