
Eighty Years and More: Memoirs of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1897)


"I am moved to recall what I can of my early days, what I thought and felt, that grown people may have a better understanding of children and do more for their happiness and development. I see so much tyranny exercised over children, even by well-disposed parents, and in so many varied forms, —a tyranny to which these parents are themselves insensible, —that I desire to paint my joys and sorrows in as vivid colors as possible, in the hope that I may do something to defend the weak from the strong...."

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) was an American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the Seneca Falls Convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized women's rights and women's suffrage movements in the United States. Stanton was president of the National Woman Suffrage Association from 1892 until 1900.



School Days


Life at Peterboro

Our Wedding Journey

Homeward Bound


Boston and Chelsea

The First Woman's Rights Convention

Susan B. Anthony

My First Speech Before a Legislature

Reforms and Mobs

Views on Marriage and Divorce

Women as Patriots

Pioneer Life in Kansas—Our Newspaper, "The Revolution"

Lyceums and Lecturers

Westward Ho!

The Spirit of '76

Writing "The History of Woman Suffrage"

In the South of France

Reforms and Reformers in Great Britain

Woman and Theology

England and France Revisited

The International Council of Women

My Last Visit to England

Sixtieth Anniversary of the Class of 1832—The Woman's Bible

My Eightieth Birthday