Emotional First Aid: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Your Emotional Intelligence, Discover How You Can Improve Your People Skills and Expand Self-Awareness to Create Happier and Fruitful Relationships I'm sure you've heard of the term Emotional Intelligence more and more in recent years. It's even become ordinary to hear the letters EQ when we're discussing how we feel and react towards certain situations. Even in kids, some parents are trying to focus more on their child's emotional quotient rather than their intelligence quotient. There have been a lot of scientific studies dedicated to studying emotional intelligence and how it affects our lives. Intelligent people are those who are often described as having high "IQs." But recent studies have shown that the more capable, competent and effective individuals are actually those that have a high emotional quotient. In fact, researchers have discovered that people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70% of the time. According to Psychology Today, emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. You would discover how to command your emotions to exercise better control of your life. In this audiobook, you will discover: - What is Emotional Intelligence - How to Identify Emotional Triggers and STrategies for Dealing with Them - Why You Need to Take Responsibility and Set Personal Boundaries - How to Raise Your Emotional Intelligence - Essential Keys for Commanding Your Emotions - How to Gain Emotional Control and Tackle Anger Management - Mastering Conflict Resolution with Emotional Intelligence - Mastering Your Interpersonal Skills for Higher Emotional Intelligence What shapes our experiences and outcomes in life is impacted by how we understand and manage our emotions and the emotions of others around us. If you want to know more about emotional intelligence strategies, scroll up and click "add to cart" now.
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