Today a lot of sites require SMS verification code for registration account. If you do not want to use your personal phone number to verify or activate account, use virtual phone number. Thus, there is no need for a SIM card in your mobile phone, only need access to the Internet. You can receive text messages via WEB interface or API. There are a lot of websites that offer temporary free, as well as private numbers from around the world to receive activation codes and SMS confirmations online.Their private numbers are intended for two types of SMS reception: disposable virtual numbers and numbers for rent. You can receive SMS online and use the numbers to sign up or verify for any services like Telegram, Facebook, Google, Gmail, WhatsApp, Viber, Line, WeChat, KakaoTalk etc.In the first part of the book I will mention the best websites that offer virtual phone numbers from around the world to receive activation codes and SMS confirmations online..The VCC is a short form of Virtual Credit Card that can be used for online verification, PayPal, EBay, Amazon and Google Adwords account verification. The second part of the book will guide you to how to obtain virtual debit/credit cards for sake of online accounts verification. There are bulk numbers of banks and debit/credit cards issuers that offer virtual or physical debit/credit card. But I will not go through any of them as I covered them in a book I published previously. I will only concentrate on some quick methods to obtain debit/credit cards for sake of online account verification. I will briefly talk about generating virtual debit/credit cards namso gold CC BIN generator for verification of some online services. Then I will talk about website that offers Virtual Visa Card for sake of online accounts verification. At the end I will mention how to get USA shipment address through website, and I will list some of the free VPN Services I commonly useThe book consists from the following parts:1. Some free websites that can be used to receive SMS online using numbers from some countries.2. Some paid (not free) websites that can be used to receive SMS online using numbers from some countries.3. Getting free phone number in US or Canada and Other Countries:4. Best websites that offer SMS verification, sending SMS and renting number services.5. Generating some virtual debit/credit cards through BIN Codes for verification of some online services.6. website that offer Virtual Visa Card for sake of account verifications.7. Getting USA shipment address through Some of the free VPN Services I commonly use.
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