
Finding 42: Cut The Rope: A Soul's Awakening


Finding 42, at its core, is an amazing adventure series that will thrust you into the adventurous and magical world of Benny Mailman as he breaks from a forced reality and creates his own. Humor is the air Benny breathes, and insight is his exhale At all times you will either be intrigued, laughing, or making notes in the margins. Your heart will expand, creating a fast-tracked conduit to your soul, for storage. Benny checks in with the Universe through soulful connections with both locals and fellow travelers alike. Benny's weapons in this adventurous escapade are smiles and eye contact, and his currencies are high fives and Love. Book 1, Cut The Rope- A Soul's Awakening, begins with the author leaving the familiar, New York City, and flying to the very distant unfamiliar, Moscow, Russia. There is the story of Tom Waits in Starbucks in Moscow, Fire Horse in Mongolia, life aboard the Trans-Siberian Railroad, The Great Wall, a visit to Shaolin Temple, the Oracle Chicken, and even a very magical event in Luoyang, China. Fasten your seatbelts! I remind you that this all true. Benny Mailman is the Experiencer, and you are now his travel buddy. This is your starting point, and your adventure series starts now.

Lukija: Adam Trupp
