


All we know about the future destiny of the wicked is what God has been pleased to reveal to us in His Word. Human speculations upon the subject are absolutely worthless. God knows, we don’t. But God has been pleased to tell us much of what He does know on this subject. It is the part of wisdom for us to listen to Him. One ounce of God’s revelation about the future is worth one hundred tons of man’s speculation. Yet on every side we hear men giving us their speculations about the future life. Men will tell you: “I think so and so about the future life.” What difference does it make what you think, the question is, what does God say? Most men in their speculations about the future life consult their wishes rather than their judgment. They do not desire to believe the Bible doctrine; they go to work to fix the future up in the way they would like to have it, but God is not consulting us in the matter. The wise man never asks what he would like to think, he asks what are the facts in the case.