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Ohita lista
  1. The Shopping Diet: Spend Less and Get More

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  2. Mastering Conversation Skills Goodbye Awkwardness. Learn to Master the Art of Conversation and Become A Great Communicator, Even if You've Always Been Shy or Hate Small Talk

    Helen Stone

  3. The Rules for Online Dating: Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right in Cyberspace

    Ellen Fein, Sherrie Schneider

  4. Hacks for TikTok : 150 Tips and Tricks for Editing and Posting Videos, Getting Likes, Keeping Your Fans Happy, and Making Money

    Kyle Brach

  5. Just Send the Text : An Expert's Guide to Letting Go of the Stress and Anxiety of Modern Dating

    Candice Jalili

  6. The Ultimate Guide to Emotional Abuse Recovery : Identify and understand the traits of narcissism, co-dependency and gaslighting. Heal and recover after a toxic relationship and rediscover your true self

    Victoria Hoffman

  7. Sure, I'll Join Your Cult : A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere

    Maria Bamford

  8. 168 Hours : You Have More Time Than You Think

    Laura Vanderkam

  9. Insecure in Love : How Anxious Attachment Can Make You Feel Jealous, Needy, and Worried and What You Can Do About It

    Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD

  10. Becoming Bulletproof

    Evy Poumpouras

  11. Do Hard Things : Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness

    Steve Magness

  12. The Courage to Be Happy : Discover the Power of Positive Psychology and Choose Happiness Every Day

    Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga
