
I Wanted Fries with That


Speak up and persuade

At some point in our lives, we’ve all experienced an injustice, large or small—a

restaurant botching our lunch order or a boss who isn’t following the guidelines for

workplace etiquette—and suffered in silence for fear of offending anyone. When we

fail to speak up, however, we shortchange ourselves. Amy Fish encourages standing

up for yourself (and others) by complaining effectively. Her suggestions will appeal

to anyone who wants to speak up and isn’t sure where to start, including managers

navigating workplace disputes, couples who argue about the same things over and

over, and even someone with a friend with bad breath. Illustrating her points with

funny real-life stories, Fish reveals pragmatic methods to redress grievances with

civility, honesty, and fairness for everyone involved—whether you’re trying to right

the wrongs of the world or just claim the french fries you ordered.

Lukija: Andrea Gallo