In the second installment in the Ash Trilogy, when Remy Jennings meets Hope Carson, he can't deny a burning desire that threatens to consume him.
Field of Screams
Elise Sax
audiobookTempest Reborn
Nicole Peeler
audiobookBecoming a Legend
Sarah Robinson
audiobookSaving a Legend
Sarah Robinson
audiobookThe One You Fight For
Roni Loren
audiobookDream a Little Dream
Sue Moorcroft
audiobookStone Cold Lover
Christine Warren
audiobookCitizen Pain
Elise Sax
audiobookThe Christmas Café
Amanda Prowse
audiobookEver After at Sweetheart Ranch : A Valentine Valley Novel
Emma Cane
audiobookWish Upon a Christmas Star
Karen McQuestion
audiobookHow to Marry a Country Music Star
Cathryn Brown