Gazan konflikti Israelin ja äärijärjestö Hamasin välillä on näkynyt niin kaduilla kuin sosiaalisessa mediassa Suomessa ja ympäri maailmaa. Israelin ja palestiinalaisten välinen kriisi kuohuttaa, koska monella suomalaisella on ennakkokäsityksiä, joita on vaikea muuttaa. Israelin/Palestiinan tilanteesta uutisoidaan paljon, mutta sitä ymmärretään vähän. Tapahtumien ytimessä on Israelin järjestelmä, joka asettaa ihmiset erilaiseen asemaan ja jakaa heidät eri asuinalueille etnisen taustan mukaan. Järjestelmä täyttää kansainvälisen oikeuden määritelmän apartheidille, mutta se ei ole toisinto Etelä-Afrikasta, vaan ainutlaatuinen omanlaisensa versio rotuerottelusta. Israelin apartheid on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen kokonaisesitys tämän järjestelmän historiasta, nykytilanteesta ja häämöttävästä lopusta. Syksy Räsänen on kosmologi, teoreettisen fysiikan dosentti ja yliopistotutkija Helsingin yliopistossa. Räsänen on myös tunnettu poliittinen kommentoija ja järjestön Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) Suomen haaran puheenjohtaja.
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Vedenpitävästi runsain lähdeviittein perusteltuja tiukkoja tosiasioita, jotka eivät kylläkään monia miellytä. Toki epäilen, etteivät nuo yhden tähden antaneet ole kirjaa edes lukeneet.
Propagandaa Putininin tyyliin. Tarkistakaa faktat ennen ku tälläst sontaa tänne päästätte.
Dispensationalismi a.k.a. korvausteologia tuhoaa Putinin hallinnon Venemaassa arzarethissa ja lestadiolaisen yrityskulttuurin Suomi Seem Shem Saimaa saame shamaanimaassa. Heprean sana MIKA on suomeksi MIKÄ? MikaEl, Kuka Jumalan kaltainen, Dugin? USAn isoin ammustehdas tuhopoltossa just. Vartioikaa kotohärmässä!!! Haarlan ignoroitu perinne. Kaikki pitää tehdä itse. USAssa jo 3 siltaa alas laivan törmäyksestä. 1000 ruokatehdasta sabotaashissa. 9000 laitonta päivässä etelärajalta, pelkästään Tijuanasta tuhat mopojunatunnelia St Diegoon. Kanadan rajalla undergroundbunkkerit triadien hallussa. 40 päivää, Niinive! Parannus meinaa täyskäännöstä, metanoia. Hebrew Finnish affinity: Em - emo, emä emäntä, äiti. Ab - appi, father of wife Chaverim- kaveri, haveri. Tippa - tippa. Pissa - pissa. Ovi, avata. Jalan. Car - karja. Loo nirhaa - äLä murhaa thou shall not murder. Puoch - puhua. Nuoch - nuokkua, nukkua. Perse, cherpah etc. Ruoch - ruoka/henki. Ish, isä, ragaz rakas etc. Finn Finns comes from word Pen in Hebrew I think means opposite, to be behind a corner or so. Finland is Suomi. Suomi saame Saimaa shamaani SHEM most western Semitic tribe. Finns were the only "yellow" race in the whole Europe in the US emmigration legislation until 1965. "No Indians. No Finns. No Jews." was written in signs above saloon doors. New cottage further to arzareth empty desert each spring with just an axe (Zayin, 7) & saw as tools. Tacitus ridiculed Finns for their high calling of women who could judge among the 12 judge stones in villages. 12 sons of Kalevala, 3 of which reached Finland. Antero Vipunen a.k.a. 1st apostle Andreas the manly in the Kalevala epic. Sauna each saturday like in Daan sveeaDaan Sweden Daanmark Denmark, too. Pen or Pun was the 2nd son of Issachar. His name lives also in Punic languages of Poenicians Phoenicians. His mother was one of the younger daughters of Job Iobs I think. The mitochondrial maternal line of us Finns closely resembles that of the Jewish women. Paternal Y chromosome haplotype was lost in the peresecution and strange fathers because of the rapes since the great galut in 135 AD CE. That is why the prophecy states that in the last times, the "women" of Judah and men of Ephraim, when Judah comes to rescue Ephraim from the north when the fullness or strength of Ephraim is fulfilled and the bow of the drunkards of Ephraim is broken 40 days for NiNiVe NuunNuunVav Finnish Valter Juvelius seem to have found the Ark just prior to WWI. Came up under the Rock mosq caves. Shiat moslims will launch final jihad with the ark so not published. 390x7 year diaspora punishment for Ephraim full these years. Fullness of Gentiles Romans 11 refers to Bereshit 48-49 Ephraim prophecy. Full account of the first born right. Kingship to Judah. Priesthood to Levi. But right of the oldest son the Ephraims who acknowledged Jeshua global Joshua family redeemer & avenger of blood first. Trump moved US embassy to JeruSalem the very day Finland celebrated her 100th anniversary 6.12.2017. 100 years earlier, Finland got the independency thecsame day General Allenby the prophesied son of a believing Chrstian mother walked through the Gates of Jerusalem without any bullet shot at him. In the 6+1 = 7 day war after 1st Jovel jubilee in 1967 both the shield of DaViD and the blue cross white flag of Finland was in all the government house flag poles. Rafael Paasio the prime minister of Finland spinoff of Issaschar son Pen was visiting Eretz Israel broken clay pot in the center of the land mass of the og Eden Pangaea. 364 days in Enochian Zadok Qumran calender= 7x7x7 +7+7+7 days. Leap WEEK every 7th year. 1. Esdras side to side with Eshter in Qumran Beth Abara. Sign of Jonah, the redneck prophet from Galilee. Risin plant was the bioweapon of much desruction in the antiquities Even The map of USA resembles a whale. Cetos not iktys. In the past 10 years 80% of the judgements of the UN Human Rights Commission against Israel. The apple of the eye. Barbarbarbaria. Reflex reaction is inevitable 2000-7 years from GoljatGat. 6000-7 years from the Fall. Lord Jacob von Rothschild dies at age 87. Flood began 7 day morning period after son of Enoch metatron Metuselah "when-dies-destruction-thrown". 5993-5986 anno mundo in the 17th century Finnish calender. Farao saw the dream of 7 last years before the Millennium 7th day of rest. 7 lean wheat grains, 7 horribly diseased cows Captagon 90% Syrian export 3x Mexico cartels' turnover. 65% of UN condemnations against Israel last 10 years. Indicator of barbarbarbaria Opportunists on the move. 8.4.2024. Moedim. American eclipses 6 years 6 months 6 weeks 6 days from each other; 2nd 7th April. Genesis 1:14: 1)st Moedim. 2nd) yomim & shoanim. Big light of the day & small light of the night (Genesis 1:14) as 1).The time span between the two great solar eclipses of the USA crossing point TAV... Tav the 22th AlefBet numerical value 400: Sun is 400x broader than Moon but 400x further away. 28.3.2024 wandering planets in peculiar position. Mazel tov mazaroth. Moedim. Great bear, Small bear cub. When 3 ribs in bears mouth "Eat much flesh". Rider of the Red Zach horse & huge sword. Blood, fire and palm shaped pillars of smoke. Flying scroll ish isha. Abomination of desolation. MitzraIm."Double Trouble" end time Egypt civil war Isaiah 19. Damascos tragedy Isaiah 17 & end of the age of grace 360 day years prior to Flood. Then 364=7×7×7+7+7+7 and leap week every 7th year in the Book Jubilee bestseller of the Qumran Zadok priests John, Antropos etc. 390x7 year diaspora punishment sentence for the EphraIm, ten lost tribes is full as we speak. ”The fullness of Gentiles” in Romans 11:25: ”...blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” refers to Genesis 48:17-22: “his seed shall become a multitude of nations”; “fullness of the gentiles.” Martti Ahtisaari & Markku Niskala got Israel's Shield of David to the int Red Cross societies. 21% of the Nobel prizes to a minority of less than 17 million souls. "Greatest services for the humankind". To serve and to protect Mystery Babylon 2.0. NDA & the law of omerta Big Oak of Kalevala 2.0 vis-a-vis tower of slave trade burnmark labels will come down. Also Sooter Kyrios has secrets that He tells to His faithful ones. The difference is that the secrets of The Kingdom of heaven whispered in chambers are proclaimed from the house tops and Sat-7 satellites in zenith To Moslims: The living G*d builds from individual stones, living stones, not from mass produced bricks that are all similar pressed to same shape. God JHVH gives Living water, not still water stored in containers growing germs: 1. Peter 2:4- "To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jeshua Joshua Maschiach anointed one. Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded." Rx-100 USPT. LPA lysophophatidic acid, S1P Sphingosine-1-phosphate and the synthetic Rx-100 RADIOMITIGATORS: Life saving bioactive lipids after lethal dose of irradiation. Biggest amounts of LPA in fresh eggs but need to be frozen fresh. In 24h the activity drops 90% Hidden in the plain sight: Big money insiders in the Orient bet on the Gaza Jihad and made huge record profits in shorting Israeli stock index which fell 1/3 at the birthday of Valdemar P. 7.10. In Revelation 12 Leviatan slashes 1/3 of the angels down in rebellion. We got a prelude. Also Jewish Anna Politkovskaja was shot solo 7.10. (2006) as a present. Creation started 7th October told the rabbi. Both Ajatollah & Netanjahve born at eclipse Eugen was popular name at the eugenics era. Today CRISPR: Blacstone & Blackrock: Islam & the biggest investment concerns have a Black Stone to kiss. Jeshua the anointed one gives a white stone to the winners which hides a new name for them that no one knows. Nomes est omen. The deeper we dive to Genesis Bereshit Beginnings Synnyt syvät - the more meaning, power and attributes the name carries: Revelation 2:17: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." Reality bite from history: 359 the Satan number: 359. day Saturnalia 25.12. goat with all evil heaped up on its shoulders. ”Ukon ja Raunin malja” in the Finnish mythology messing up all over. 300 Shin 9 Thet 50 Nuun The ass of Issaschar has most resemblence to the history of Finns, "loving their new land and paying tax tribute to 2 wealthier flocks in both sides". Donkey requires pure water, cross on its back hair. Andreas Andrew was the first disciple who was also a disciple of Jouchanan John the baptist whose father visited the Holy of the Holiest and died when hiding his baby son to Qumran Beth-Araba Abara when Herod killed all male boys. Andreas means "manly" and Jeshua Joshua sent him to mission journeys for Scythians Magogians to soften them. His last mission reached lake Ladoga, Antreas town in Carelia and ArkAngel whose heraldic flag is still Andews TAV cross. Also the Kalevala epic recalls apostle Andreas in the Antero Vipunen tradition. In Russia, Andrews' X cross is the symbol of the Russian navy and highest medal of honor. Ezekiel 38-39 Kaddish prophecy states that the fire will ignite in the land of Maagog Scythia and will spread from there to the far away coast lines that live carelessly without major worries. In Aramaic Bible, the Gog alliance is mentioned alsi in Isaiah 33, Psalm 18 twin psalm and its identical chapter in Shmuel, 4 Moses 11 Numeri 11 step brothers of Moses Eldad & Meedad and even the cursing of Bileam is Gog, NOT Agag. But before the hooks to the jaws of Gog, hooks to the jaws of Mitzraim "double trouble". I think it is not lower and upper Egypt Memphis Elefantine but the ancient Egypt - and the end time vain help 2nd Egypt United States... Hebrew Finnish affinity: Em - emo, emä emäntä, äiti. Ab - appi, father of wife Chaverim- kaveri, haveri. Tippa - tippa. Pissa - pissa. Ovi, avata. Jalan. Car - karja. Loo nirhaa - äLä murhaa thou shall not murder. Puoch - puhua. Nuoch - nuokkua, nukkua. Perse, cherpah etc. Ruoch - ruoka/henki. Ish, isä, ragaz rakas etc. Finn comes from word Pen in Hebrew I think means opposite, to be behind a corner or so. Pen or Pun was the 2nd son of Issachar. His name lives also in Punic languages of Poenicians Phoenicians. His mother was one of the younger daughters of Job Iobs I think. The mitochondrial maternal line of us Finns closely resembles that of the Jewish women. Paternal Y chromosome haplotype was lost in the peresecution and strange fathers because of the rapes since the great galut in 135 AD CE. That is why the prophecy states that in the last times, the "women" of Judah and men of Ephraim, when Judah comes to rescue Ephraim from the north when the fullness or strength of Ephraim is fulfilled and the bow of the drunkards of Ephraim is broken I know activists who have been pleading with the Israeli government to publish the results of the sequencing of the bones of the patriarchs and matriarchs of Makpela. Today, the PCR method can sequence whole genomes even from tiny bites of resin or amber from neolithic period. The father of my father was volunteering fighting against the last Nazi German troops in Lapland and was given the honor to be another of the men skiing the message from the 3 country border to the headquarter base that the last Germans were out from Finland My dad has been travelling at Ural mountains (Rifa in the book of Jubilees etc in Beth-Abara Qumran) among the Finnish speaking Mari people living in hill-Billy mode without roads etc. He was sent to find translators for the mountain-mari Bible translation and it was finally published some 5 years ago with Torah, Navi, Keturim & "new testament" gospels, epistles & Revelation. It was found out that there were nearly 2 million souls who did not have Bible in their language there. But now its hard to get more copies there since the "Maagog" Scythia Ukrainian war... The etymology of Kiev is interesting: Finnish word kivi means stone. Kiev IS a heap of stones in the middle og black soil and river. The previous name was Kveenogorden which refers to Kainuu, Kveeni, Queen, Kvinna (women in Swedish). So the vikings never accepted Finns in their robber raping raids and ridiculed Finns as women for their soft heart and desire to live in peace. Previous name of Kiev was Sambatas which lives in the Kalevala epic ethos of Sampo, a close myth of the Ark of the covenant that was lost. Also Ezra alias Malachi the scholar and canonisizer of Tanakh and 70 extra books for scholars and scribes wrote that the bulk part of the 10 Ephraim tribes went north and west accross the rives Sambatas to the tohu bohu quiet taiga, "arzareth" to survive the 390x7 year sentence. Only 1 S revealed who was Ephraimite in the civil war. In Russia, there are 7 S letters, in Finnish only 1. The Gaza assault 7.10. was the birthday of Voldemort Putin and also the birthday of both me and my wife. I was born exactly 22 years after Putin. In my calculation, Jesus was born 8th October, and died exactly 4000 years after Adam fell as the second Adam atoning us. The command for Ephraim in Jeremiah 29-32 was to erect megaliths to remember their past. In Ural Rifa, there are 500 ton granite blocks as bases of weird walls. Megalit tradition was also vivid among the druids ("oak", referring to Mamres oaks, home base of Abraham) that the Romans persecuted as members of the Levitic tribe. The lost chapter of the Acts of the apostles 29th tells how Shel Shaul ("Paul") wandered to Tarsish Albion Britannica to reach those druids as Levitic scholars. But the impact of the tribe Daan is something amazing. Not only was Laakish named after their patriarch who only had 1 son. But also the river Don and 4 other Maagog rivers. SveeaDaan Sweden, Daanmark Denmar, LonDon, SarDinia etc. The Islam never got through the steps but the strongest Ephraimic forces were worn out in this 100 year war in 8th century. After weakeningm the Rudridik Finnish dynasty took over the Khazar court. Rudrik burial places were the N1 haplotype of Finns, no Sveeas No Slavic.. Blacstone & Blackrock: Islam & the biggest investment concerns have a Black Stone to kiss. Jeshua the anointed one gives a white stone to the winners which hides a new name for them that no one knows. Nomes est omen Rev 2:17: "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." On the road to Damascus Sheol Paul saw a blinding light akin to nuclear detonation and was struck blind for 3 days. Damascus Isaiah 17 => chaos all over 12 sons of Kaleva. 12 judge stones in the old pennic fennic villages. High calling of wives vis-a-vis Proverbs 31. Kveenit Kainuu kvinna queens the vikings and Tacitus laughed. Suomi Seem Shem saame Saimaa shamaani mythological legacy. Sauna at saturdays, sapatti Sabbath. Megalith stones via Arzareth plains of Siberia, druid refers to "oaks" where the bones of patriarcs and matriarchs wait sequencing at Mamre. Paternal Y chromosome & maternal mitochondrial DNA Suomi saame Saimaa shamaani SHEM most western Semitic tribe. Finns were the only "yellow" race in the whole Europe in the US emmigration legislation until 1965. "No Indians. No Finns. No Jews." was written in signs above saloon doors. New cottage further to arzareth empty desert each spring with just an axe (Zayin, 7) & saw as tools. Tacitus ridiculed Finns for their high calling of women who could judge among the 12 judge stones in villages. 12 sons of Kalevala, 3 of which reached Finland. Antero Vipunen a.k.a. 1st apostle Andreas the manly in the Kalevala epic. Sauna each saturday like in Daan sveeaDaan Sweden Daanmark Denmark, too. 40 days for NiNiVe NuunNuunVav Finnish Valter Juvelius seem to have found the Ark just prior to WWI. Came up under the Rock mosq caves. Shiat moslims will launch final jihad with the ark so not published. 390x7 year diaspora punishment for Ephraim full these years. Fullness of Gentiles Romans 11 refers to Bereshit 48-49 Ephraim prophecy. Full account of the first born right. Kingship to Judah. Priesthood to Levi. But right of the oldest son the Ephraims who acknowledged Jeshua global Joshua family redeemer & avenger of blood first. Trump moved US embassy to JeruSalem the very day Finland celebrated her 100th anniversary 6.12.2017. 100 years earlier, Finland got the independency thecsame day General Allenby the prophesied son of a believing Chrstian mother walked through the Gates of Jerusalem without any bullet shot at him. In the 6+1 = 7 day war after 1st Jovel jubilee in 1967 both the shield of DaViD and the blue cross white flag of Finland was in all the government house flag poles. Rafael Paasio the prime minister of Finland spinoff of Issaschar son Pen was visiting Eretz Israel broken clay pot in the center of the land mass of the og Eden Pangaea. Sign of Jonah, the redneck prophet from Galilee. Risin plant was the bioweapon of much desruction in the antiquities Even The map of USA resembles a whale. Cetos not iktys. In the past 10 years 65% of the judgements of the UN Israel. The apple of the eye. Barbarbarbaria. Reflex reaction is inevitable 2000-7 years from GoljatGat. 6000-7 years from the Fall. Farao saw the dream of 7 last years before the Millennium 7th day of rest. 7 lean wheat grains, 7 horribly diseased cows Captagon 90% Syrian export 3x Mexico cartels' turnover. Moedim: Sun is 400x broader than Moon but 400x further away. 28.3.2024 wandering planets in peculiar position. Mazel tov mazaroth. TAV=400. I am AlefTav Great bear, Small bear cub. When 3 ribs in bears mouth "Eat much flesh". Rider of the Red Zach horse & huge sword. Blood, fire and palm shaped pillars of smoke. Flying scroll ish isha. Abomination of desolation. MitzraIm."Double Trouble" end time Egypt civil war Isaiah 19. Damascos tragedy Isaiah 17 & end of the age of grace 360 day years prior to Flood. Then 364=7×7×7+7+7+7 and leap week every 7th year in the Book Jubilee bestseller of the Qumran Zadok priests John, Antropos etc. Martti Ahtisaari & Markku Niskala got Israel's Shield of David to the int Red Cross societies. 21% of the Nobel prizes to a minority of less than 17 million souls. "Greatest services for the humankind". To serve and to protect Mystery Babylon 2.0. NDA & the law of omerta Big Oak of Kalevala 2.0 vis-a-vis tower of slave trade burnmark labels will come down. Also Sooter Kyrios has secrets that He tells to His faithful ones. The difference is that the secrets of The Kingdom of heaven whispered in chambers are proclaimed from the house tops and Sat-7 satellites in zenith To Moslims: The living G*d builds from individual stones, living stones, not from mass produced bricks that are all similar pressed to same shape. God JHVH gives Living water, not still water stored in containers growing germs: 1. Peter 2:4- "To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded."
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