
Learn To Remember Any Name


Do you panic when you see a familiar face, but you can't remember the person's name? Do you hear yourself saying after two minutes, "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" And do you sometimes feel slightly foolish when you realise you've met somebody an hour ago, and you can't remember what they're called?

With his proven method, expert Tony Wrighton demonstrates how to use the senses of sight, sound and - amazingly - touch, to experience someone's name through different processing systems and therefore quickly and efficiently learn it.

After listening just once, you can actually start to enjoy using people's names.

You'll find that you really want to use people's names as soon as you've learnt them, because people are often so surprised that you've actually taken the time to make an effort to learn their name. And because most people are so bad at names, you immediately stand out from the crowd when you make somebody feel special and use their name straight away.

Discover the secret to remembering anyone's name, and buy Learn To Remember Any Name in 30 Minutes. Now thousands of people have successfully benefited from Tony's "Easy Name-Recall Technique."

Tony Wrighton is a Licensed NLP Trainer and Master Practitioner, having been trained by Paul Mckenna and the co-creator of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler.