
Londoni Bride : A Modern Day Slavery in Britain in the name of 'Honour & Izzat'


"In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that BLOSSOM at their feet." Albert Schweitzer, Theologian. Aklima Bibi's story is no ordinary story. It reveals a cycle of violence from her forced marriage, the domestic abuse she endured, the failure and subsequent corruption of the police she desperately wanted to help her and even an attempted contract killing. Her sin?; she was an educated British Bangladeshi woman, an intelligent professional who was used and abused in the name of money, property and most significantly, for her UK passport. "We're seeing a generational strategy to emigrate to the UK." Alan Morrison, the British Consul in Bangladesh, BBC – My Forced Unwanted Wedding, 2011. Londoni Bride is the alarming true story of how Aklima found herself a modern-day slave in Britain in the name of honour and izzat. Her experiences are timely and devastating, as they expose the growing trend of trading young women for their extended family's betterment. She was expected to support not only her own family, but her abusive husband's family too. Aklima Bibi has fought valiantly against the odds for her rights as a Muslim woman, for her right to an education, a career and for her children's future. Her story shines a light on a grievous injustice being suffered by countless young British Muslim women today.