
Mantra 6 Nitrate


John Devereaux and his MANTRA-6 team are now fully operational.

On the frozen landscape of Northern Russia, four figures dressed in arctic camouflage uniforms, break into the Polyarny Naval Base near Murmansk – Home of Russia's Northern Fleet. Their mission, to steal 60kg of highly enriched Uranium-235 and hand it over to the Russian Mafia.

Rogue nations and despots – North Korea, Libya, Iran, Al-Qa'Ida, Hamas and Hezbollah, all want their hands on this lethal cargo… Let the bidding begin!

MANTRA-6 is on the hunt.

God help anyone who gets in their way!

Mantra 6: Nitrate is the second book in Russel Hutchings' explosive thriller series featuring operative John Devereaux.

Lukija: Dorje Swallow
