
Mary’s Mantle Consecration


This is a Marian consecration that people don't want to see end. Healing miracles, reunited families, and Catholic conversions are resulting from this self-guided retreat. Mary's Mantle Consecration, endorsed by Archbishop Cordileone and Bishop Cotta, offers an outpouring of grace upon your life and loved ones. St. Pope John Paul II said that his consecration to Mary was "a decisive turning point in my life." It can be the same for you.

Mary's Mantle Consecration comes to us in tumultuous times. Today it is important that we consecrate ourselves to the Mother of God-entrusting our lives to her protection, guidance, and care, and inviting her to conform us to the likeness of her Son. There is so much need and brokenness in the world, in the Church, in our families, and in our hearts. By preparing for consecration through the power of the Rosary, a little fasting, and a two-minute reading of a beautiful daily meditation on a virtue or gift of the Holy Spirit (people's favorite part), we