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  1. President's Inaugural Speeches: From Washington to Trump (1789-2017) : The Rise and Development of America Through the Ambitions and Platforms of Elected Presidents

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  2. The Genealogy of Morals : Including Ecce Homo Autobiography & Nietzsche's Personal Letters

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  3. Geneaology of Morals

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  4. Practices and Thought in Michel Foucault's Philosophy

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  5. Human, All Too Human

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  6. American Fascists : The Christian Right and the War On America

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  7. 10 X Finland

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  8. Sankareita vai pelkureita : Suomalaisen aseistakieltäytymisen historia

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  9. THE BIRTH OF TRAGEDY (Classical Art vs. Nihilism) : Hellenism and Pessimism

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  10. 1900-luvun saksalainen yhteiskuntateoria

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  11. Bryssel myyty : Lobbausparatiisin kauppiaat

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  12. Arvot mekin ansaitsemme : Kansakunta, demokratia ja tasa-arvo

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