This book is a professional military-intelligence officer's-and controversial insider's-view of some of the greatest intelligence blunders of recent history.
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Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Janne Haaland Matláry, Adrian Wooldridge, Jayne Svenungsson, Benedetta Berti, Pär Stenbäck, Harvey Whitehouse, Armin W Geertz, Simon May, Jessica Frazier, A.N. Wilson, Richard Miles, Esther Benbassa, Candida R. Moss, Mona Siddiqui, Wolfgang Palaver, Ariel Glucklich, William O´Reilly, Marco Pasi, Malise Ruthven, Gary Lachman, Wouter J. Hanegraaff, Reza Aslan, Elaine Pagels, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Martin Goodman, John Scheid, Robin Osborne, Julius J. Lipner, Daniel T. Potts
Michael Fabey