
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer: Volume 10


After a long and arduous journey spanning the breadth of the empire, Belgrieve has finally laid his regrets to rest and can begin thinking about what the future holds for his steadily growing circle of family and friends. With the defeat of the imposter Benjamin and the restoration of the true prince to his rightful rule, Belgrieve returns home with Satie as his bride and quickly settles back into the rhythm of country living—too quickly, if Kasim, Percival, and Angeline have anything to say about it. With the spring festival just around the corner, the three of them begin plotting to get one over on the mature new couple with a surprise wedding ceremony. But even as everybody enjoys this lighthearted break from the challenges of adventuring, Belgrieve and Angeline’s hard-fought happiness may soon be put to the test as the Blue Flame of Calamity makes moves in the shadows to realize his dark ambitions.