"Hello, I'm the earthworm, and today I'm giving my talk about the anaconda."
Who needs another book by humans? All they do is make us animals super boring. They only look at things through their own eyes. Every, single, time. Human after human. Kid after kid. Class after class. YAWN!
This is a book of oral presentations given by us animals, for us animals, and about us animals. The cleaner fish will talk about his friend the shark and his sharp teeth. The zebra will get to tell you about all the black-and-white animals in the world. The mole knows everything there is to know about the daddy long-legs. The southern cassowa—yes, fox? What is it? Yes, you'll get to talk about geese. Huh? Yes, you'll get to talk about how delicious they are.
Anyway, we're giving you twenty presentations from another twenty of us, but there's a lot more crammed in. Check it all out!
"The dread (or excitement) of a class presentation isn’t exclusive to young humans, as evidenced in this humorous all-dialogue collection ... Irreverent text nails the mood of a classroom discussion in free fall … to the comedic chaos."—Publishers Weekly (starred)