This is the riveting true story of Paul Martelli, a fifteen-year-old German-Italian, who fought in Pomerania, on the Eastern Front, in 1945 as a member of the 33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS "Charlemagne" and, later, as a soldier with French forces during three years (1951-1954) in the Tonkin area, Vietnam.
From the Realm of a Dying Sun
Douglas E. Nash
audiobookThe Third Reich at War
Richard J. Evans
audiobookHalbe, 1945
Eberhard Baumgart
audiobookBattleground Prussia
Prit Buttar
audiobookFrom the Realm of a Dying Sun
Douglas E. Nash
audiobookWhere the Iron Crosses Grow
Robert Forczyk
audiobookAce of Aces
E. C. R. Baker
audiobookThe Air War Through German Eyes : How the Luftwaffe Lost the Skies Over the Reich
Jonathan Trigg
Prit Buttar
audiobookNile crocodiles
Boris Mayer
bookThe Battle of the Bulge : The Allies' Greatest Conflict on the Western Front
Martin King
bookGallipoli & the Middle East 1914–1918
Edward J Erickson