
Organizing for Success, Second Edition


The "productivity guru" updates his renowned organizing and time-management program to help workers and managers stay on top of their game in an increasingly changing work environment.

About the Book

Organizing for Success, Second Edition provides simple, remarkably effective time management technique to help reders get two extra productive hours out of every day. The book uses “The Master List” concept to show readers how to budget their time and energy by the day, week, and month.

Readers will learn how to quickly prioritize their goals, complete tasks on time and under budget, and even helps readers plan for the interruptions, urgent emails, and unexpected meetings that will inevitably attack their day. This new edition places heavier emphasis on technology, including advice on how to write, manage and file email more effectively; how to use Lotus Notes and Microsoft Office to streamline the day; and how to use devices like Blackberries and social media as assets and time-savers,

Lukija: John Haag