
Part Wild: A Writer's Guide to Harnessing the Creative Power of Resistance


“A must-read for any aspiring or seasoned writer.” —Huffington Post

We all have the call to create. The question is…why don’t we answer it?

We all come pre-loaded with a creative spark that drives us to innovate, explore, express, and make our unique contribution to the world. Often, though, that drive doesn’t get us very far down the road before it runs right smack into resistance—the mysterious force that thwarts creativity.

But resistance needn’t be the enemy of writing—or any other creative endeavor. Deb Norton’s Part Wild provides fun and practical ways to turn resistance into a creative asset.

Whether it presents as doubt, perfectionism, or Deb’s favorite: a chorus of withering inner critics, the power of resistance can be leveraged to launch the creative process with real momentum. Once we harness resistance, we can let our creative impulses off the leash.

Norton has turned a decade of sold-out writing retreats and private coaching into a process for powering up your creative ideas. In Part Wild, she shares dozens of illuminating and effective practices and quick-start prompts that are guaranteed to get us out of our heads and onto the page.

Just as The Artist’s Way gave millions of readers permission to explore their creative side, Part Wild shows writers of all levels of experience and skill how to harness the electrifying power of resistance and get writing.