From the number one international best-selling author Chris J Reed, "The Only NASDAQ CEO with a Mohawk!", comes his new book - Personal Branding Mastery for Entrepreneurs. In it, Chris will tell you all about how you, as an entrepreneur, can develop your personal brand beyond LinkedIn.
You are an entrepreneur, your personal brand is what everyone is buying into. Your clients, your shareholders, your employees, your partners, the media...future clients, employees, investors...they are all buying into the power and values of your personal brand. That's why you need to start working on it now.
In this new book, Chris will talk from his own personal experience on how he created a personal brand from nothing and knowing no one when he left the UK and came to Singapore to become an Asian entrepreneur. Chris will show how he became the "Only NASDAQ CEO with a Mohawk!" and how this personal brand has transformed his businesses.
Chris covers all aspects of personal branding for entrepreneurs including what it is, why you should have it, his personal brand story, ups and downs of having a personal brand, why you need to be more American and less English or Asian in your personal branding.
Chris will also cover what elements of his disruptive DNA have enabled him to accentuate his own personal brand in his entrepreneurial journey. Chris also covers how LinkedIn is the foundation for your personal brand but that it should also be communicated everywhere else from your YouTube to your Wikipedia, your thought leadership outside of LinkedIn to winning awards, getting up on stage and speaking to having your own book.
An Author's Republic audio production.
Samojen asioiden jatkuvaa toistoa, eikä mitään johdonmukaisuutta. Tosi paljon haastattelumuodossa olevaa keskustelua, jossa puheenvuoron vaihtuessa ko. puhujan nimi mainitaan joka kerralla. Lisäksi outoja vertauskuvia leffojen fiktiivisiin henkilöihin.
Jotta voit kirjoittaa arvostelun, sinun täytyy lataa sovellus