
Sanatan Darshan


In realm of Sanatan Darshan, ancient and vast,

A philosophy timeless, from the first to the last.

It speaks of Dharma, the path that's right,

Guiding our actions, in day and in night.

Artha and Kama, pursuits of life,

Balanced and tempered, reducing strife.

But Moksha is the goal, liberation pure,

From the cycle of birth, it's the ultimate cure.

Karma guides us, action and result,

In this cosmic play, we are a consult.

Yoga unites, the self and divine,

In this sacred connection, we intertwine.

Vedanta, the end of knowledge, profound,

Where ultimate truths, are essentially found.

Sanatan Darshan, a vision so grand,

Guides us gently, to the divine land.