First released on cassette tape in 1993, these archive recordings of six short stories from the book Miss Marple’s Final Cases feature Joan Hickson as Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple.
First, the mystery man in the church with a bullet-wound… then, the riddle of a dead man’s buried treasure… the curious conduct of a caretaker after a fatal riding accident… the corpse and a tape-measure… the girl framed for theft… and the suspect accused of stabbing his wife with a dagger.
Recorded thirty years ago after the BBC finished filming the series Miss Marple, these final short stories were read by Joan Hickson when she was nearly 87 years old and capture the warmth and nostalgia of a bygone age.
Due to the archival nature of these recordings, the quality may vary. Newer recordings of Miss Marple’s Final Cases, read by Juliet Stevenson, are also available.
Ensimmäisen tarinan alku on tuplana, n.20-25min verran. Nukketarina ja tarina, jossa mies näkee itsensä tekemässä murhaa, eivät oikein kuulu kokoelmaan Nti Marplen juttuja.
Neiti Marpleja on aina mukava lukea, joskin harmillisesti viimeisessä novellissa ei ollut novellikokoelman nimestä huolimatta neiti Marplea, vaan kokoelmaan huonosti sopiva kummituskertomus riivatusta nukesta. Muut novellit olivat kuitenkin oikein hyviä 👍
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