In the ancient country of Orn an old man called the Bee-man spends his life in the company of bees. He lives humbly and contentedly until a Junior Sorcerer happens by with some disturbing news: The Bee-man, he says, has been transformed--he once was someone (or something) entirely different. But who? Or what? A giant or a prince? A dog or a dragon? The now restless Bee-man sets out on a quest to ascertain his original form, telling himself, "When I see it, I shall be drawn toward it." He first visits a "fair domain" featuring topiary-filled gardens and elegantly dressed folk; and then ventures into dark, ominous caverns hidden in a towering mountain, home to "dragons, evil spirits, and horrid creatures of all kinds." Here he rescues a baby from the clutches of a monstrous dragon, an experience that leads the aged man to the discovery of exactly what he was transformed from—and desires to become again. This charming, funny and clever fantasy is narrated by Oscar nominated and Emmy Award Winning Special Makeup Effects Artist Edward E. French
The Bee Man of Orn