
The Children of Odin : Illustrated Edition of Northern Myths: The Dwellers in Asgard, Odin the Wanderer, The Sword of the Volsungs and the Twilight of the Gods


This collection brings us close to the magical legendary stories of Ancient Northern Europe, which remain one of the great myth cycles of Western civilization.


The Dwellers in Asgard

Far Away and Long Ago

The Building of the Wall

Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger

Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard

How Brock Brought Judgment on Loki

How Freya Gained Her Necklace and How Her Loved One Was Lost to Her

How Frey Won Gerda, the Giant Maiden, and How He Lost His Magic Sword

Heimdall and Little Hnossa: How All Things Came to Be

The All-Father's Forebodings: How He Leaves Asgard

Odin the Wanderer

Odin Goes to Mimir's Well: His Sacrifice for Wisdom

Odin Faces an Evil Man

Odin Wins for Men the Magic Mead

Odin Tells to Vidar, His Silent Son, the Secret of His Doings

Thor and Loki in the Giants' City

How Thor and Loki Befooled Thrym the Giant

Ægir's Feast: How Thor Triumphed

The Dwarf's Hoard, and the Curse that It Brought

The Witch's Heart

Foreboding in Asgard

Loki the Betrayer

Loki Against the Æsir

The Valkyrie

The Children of Loki

Baldur's Doom

Loki's Punishment

The Sword of the Volsungs and the Twilight of the Gods

Sigurd's Youth

The Sword Gram and the Dragon Fafnir

The Dragon's Blood

The Story of Sigmund and Signy

The Story of Sigmund and Sinfiotli

The Story of the Vengeance of the Volsungs and of the Death of Sinfiotli

Brynhild in the House of Flame

Sigurd at the House of the Nibelungs

How Brynhild Was Won for Gunnar

The Death of Sigurd

The Twilight of the Gods