Lloyds historical sketches of the evolution of Buddhism in Japan provide a wealth of knowledge.
CHAPTER I - Mahyna
CHAPTER II - The Stage on which S'akyamuni made his Appearance
CHAPTER III - The Buddha and his Greatest Disciple
CHAPTER IV - The Pre-Christian Expansion of Buddhism
CHAPTER V - Pusityamitra
CHAPTER VI - The New Testament in Touch with the East
CHAPTER VII - Alexandria and Antioch at the Time of Christ
CHAPTER VIII - The Legend of St. Thomas
CHAPTER IX - The Call from China
CHAPTER X - Buddhism just before the Coming of Christianity
CHAPTER XI - As'vaghosha
CHAPTER XIII - The Missionaries of the Han
CHAPTER XIV - Dharmagupta
CHAPTER XV - Manichaeism
CHAPTER XVI -China in the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Centuries
CHAPTER XVII - Buddhism reaches Japan
CHAPTER XVIII - The Crown Prince ShMtoku Taishi
CHAPTER XIX - Buddhism during the Nara Period from A.D. 621-782
CHAPTER XX - Heian Buddhism
CHAPTER XXI - "Namudaishi"
CHAPTER XXII - The Buddhism of the Gempei Period
CHAPTER XXIII - The Buddhism of Kamakura
CHAPTER XXIV - Nichiren and the Earlier Sects
CHAPTER XXV - "RisshM Ankoku Ron"
CHAPTER XXVI - The Mongols
CHAPTER XXVII - The Buddhism of the Muromachi Age
CHAPTER XXVIII - The Period of the Catholic Missions
CHAPTER XXIX - The Buddhism of the Tokugawa Period
CHAPTER XXX - Recapitulation