
The Everything Guide to Living Off the Grid: A back-to-basics manual for independent living


Do you want to have electricity and hot water at any time, no matter what's going on outside your property? Do you want to have more control over the things you eat and how they are processed? Do you want your family safe from the worries of a bad economy and crime?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, then living off the grid may be for you. Although living off the grid takes some hard work, the benefits make it all worthwhile. This practical guide gives you all the information you'll need to move off the grid, including how to: Grow your own produce Raise, hunt, and process your meat Eliminate existing debt to cut off financial ties Build a sustainable home from scratch Harvest and reuse water Create your own sources of energy Whether you want to live an eco-friendly life or just want to incorporate a few key aspects into your existing day-to-day, this guide is your comprehensive introduction to homestead sustainability.