1. Obama's Legacy - Yes We Can, Yes We Did

    Barack Obama, White House, U.S. Government

  2. Eight Years vs. Three Weeks – Executive Orders Signed by Barack Obama and Donald Trump : A Review of the Current Presidential Actions as Opposed to the Legacy of the Former President (Including Inaugural Speeches)

    U.S. Government, White House

  3. A History of Civil Rights Through Legislation: Constitutional Amendments, Laws, Supreme Court Decisions & Key Foreign Policy Acts : Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Complete Amendments, The Federalist Papers, Gettysburg Address, Voting Rights Act, Social Security Act, Loving v. Virginia and more

    U.S. Government, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congress

  4. Obama's Legacy - Yes We Can, Yes We Did : Reflections on a Presidency: Capturing Hope, Change, and Leadership

    Barack Obama, White House, U.S. Government

  5. The Legacy of Barack Obama : Reflections on a Historic Presidency: Policy, Leadership, and Legacy

    Barack Obama, White House, U.S. Government

  6. Declaration of Independence & U.S. Constitution (Including the Bill of Rights and All Amendments) : With The Federalist Papers & Inaugural Speeches of the First Three Presidents

    George Washington, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, U.S. Government

  7. History of the United States Democracy : Key Civil Rights Acts, Constitutional Amendments, Supreme Court Decisions & Acts of Foreign Policy

    U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Government, U.S. Congress

  8. Land of the Free: The Most Important Legal Documents That Built America We Know Today : Charting the Legal Evolution of American Democracy

    U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Government, U.S. Congress

  9. The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy : An Investigative Anthology on a Pivotal Historical Event

    U.S. Government, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy

  10. Civil Rights Movement - Advancement Through Legislation : A Comprehensive Law Collection: Civil Rights Law and Supreme Court Decisions Involving Race Cases

    U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Government

  11. The Warren Commission Report : Findings of President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy

    U.S. Government, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy

  12. The Legacy of Barack Obama

    Barack Obama, White House, U.S. Government
