
The Flemmings And "Flash Harry" Of Savait : From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other / Stories" - 1902


Louis Becke's 'The Flemmings And 'Flash Harry' Of Savait' is a gripping tale of adventure and romance that transports readers to the remote islands of the South Pacific. Known for his vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling, Becke immerses readers in the exotic setting of Samoa, where the Flemming family finds themselves embroiled in a dangerous love triangle with the enigmatic 'Flash Harry.' The book's fast-paced narrative and colorful characters make it a compelling read that captures the spirit of 19th-century literature. Becke's attention to cultural detail and authentic dialogue add depth to the story, providing readers with a rich and immersive reading experience. Louis Becke, a former sailor who spent time in the South Pacific, draws upon his experiences to bring authenticity and realism to his writing. His firsthand knowledge of the region shines through in 'The Flemmings And 'Flash Harry' Of Savait,' making it a standout work of Pacific literature. This book is highly recommended for readers who enjoy historical fiction with a captivating storyline and exotic setting.