
The Parable of the Wicked Mammon


As the ‘Pathway into the Holy Scripture’ was, in its original form, the first of Tyndale’s compositions, which we can ascertain him to have put into the press, so ‘The Parable of the Wicked Mammon’ was the first printed with his name. It was written at Worms; and there seems to be no reason for doubting the correctness of the date of its publication as given in the title page, which is a transcript of its heading in Day’s folio volume of the works of Frith, Barnes, and Tyndale. If however it be thought desirable that this date should receive some confirmation from older authority, such may be collected from the language used by Tyndale in the last sentence of his ‘Practice of Prelates:’ for whereas that treatise was undeniably published in 1530, Tyndale there says, ‘Well towards three years agone, I sent forth The True Obedience of a Christian Man;’ and we know that ‘The Obedience’ preceded ‘The Wicked Mammon’ (as each is briefly styled) by an interval of a few months; so that the publication of The Wicked Mammon could not be consistently assigned to any date which should differ much from that found in Day’s folio.

CrossReach Publications