„"Short and stout as he was, Pip could handle a boat with any man, and the speed with which he got the sail up and tied down the reef points was worth watching. As he finished, the great arch of cloud swept over the sun, wiping, out its bright light. Then with a roar the wind was on them"”.
Stones from the Sky : A Tale for Boys
T.C. Bridges
bookMen of the Mist
T.C. Bridges
bookMarlow of the Mounted
T.C. Bridges
bookA Fight for Fortune : Or, The Tiger of Batol
T.C. Bridges
bookThe River Riders: An Exciting Lumberjack Story
T.C. Bridges
bookThe Gold Magnet
T.C. Bridges
bookMessenger’s Million
T.C. Bridges
bookLuck or Pluck : A Story of the Northern Forests
T.C. Bridges
bookSons of the Air
T.C. Bridges
bookDriven to Sea
T.C. Bridges
bookMartin Crusoe : A Boy’s Adventure on Wizard Island
T.C. Bridges