
Thunder and Fire Prayers That Scatter Witchcraft Activities


This is a violent prayer book that addresses urgent needs of people ready to defeat and conquer power of darkness. This book is a goal getter prayer book loaded with Holy Spirit vomited prayers.

It can best be described as enemy silencer. The more you pray with this book, the more road map to success and breakthrough appears. Every power of darkness that surrounds you shall scatter while arrows fired against you shall backfire to sender.

I will advise you hold your peace. Don’t allow boast, pride or harassment of enemy intimidate you. They know their days are numbered. They will either surrender or vanish in your sight, once you pick this book and pray the prayers. Who can challenge God? or say No when God says YES, in your situation?

God will fight for you with every weapon at his disposal to set you free from the claws and bondage of enemy. Enemy shall surely bow and surrender before you. The battle is of the Lord. You need only to rise up as a soldier of Christ and face the battle squarely.

I congratulate you, even before the battle starts your decoration as valiant soldier is waiting. You are a winner because God is with you.

No soldier of Christ goes to battle field without prayer. The book you hold is the answer. PICK IT.

Once again, I say congratulation.