
Transformation of Cryptography


The authors analyze over two dozen fundamental concepts of encryption, milestones, mega-trends and sustainable change in regard to Secret Communications. Beginnings and terminations within process and product life cycles lead in sum to a "Transformation of Cryptography", which requires an interdisciplinary approach:

Innovative breakthroughs in Cryptography are discussed within this essay as a third Epoch of Cryptography like the solving of the key transport problem with the Cesura in Cryptography by Secret Strems and also with Juggerknot Keys. Multi-Encryption and the Exponential Encryption requires New Thinking for Cryptoanalysis - in alliance with the described concepts of e.g. Cryptographic Calling, Cryptographic Discovery and Fiasco Forwarding with Fiasco Keys.

Mathematicians have with the calculation of the truth the human right of privacy in their hands - on the other side elaborated competencies and skills in the internet age are required e.g. to program applications and also to update first the terms and nomenclatura of today interfering interdisciplinary scientific views.

As an educational outlook the further Democratization of Encryption is based on discussing the Transformations of Cryptography in teaching lessons and on the development of open source programming's, which provide not only insight in their codes, processes and algorithms, but also provide e.g. with Virtual Keyboards within the same computational process a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and a technical- and network-oriented solution for "Going the Extra-Mile": What that is? is described in detail at the end of this edition.