The Reverend Charles Howard sat in judgement on the poor, assessing their applications for the workhouse. But now he is dead, stabbed and brutally beaten in his office. Has some poor beggar he turned down taken his vengeance? Murdoch's investigation takes him into the world of the destitute who had nowhere to turn when they knocked on the Reverend Howard's door. The novels that inspired the popular TV series, now on alibi.
Maureen Jennings
audiobookMurdoch Mysteries : Let Darkness Bury The Dead
Maureen Jennings
bookDead Ground in Between
Maureen Jennings
bookNo Known Grave (A Detective Inspector Tom Tyler Mystery 3)
Maureen Jennings
bookSeason of Darkness
Maureen Jennings
bookBeware This Boy
Maureen Jennings
bookA Journeyman to Grief
Maureen Jennings
bookNight's Child
Maureen Jennings
bookLet Loose The Dogs
Maureen Jennings
bookPoor Tom Is Cold
Maureen Jennings
bookUnder the Dragon's Tail
Maureen Jennings