In the second installment of Ian Douglas's Warstrider series, Devis Cameron, hero of the Xenophobe War and the Empire's reluctant champion, is called upon to eliminate a newly discovered underground colony of Xenos and to deal harshly with civil unrest spawned by Imperial repression.
Darkness Falling
Ian Douglas
audiobookAltered Starscape : Andromedan Dark: Book One
Ian Douglas
audiobookWarstrider : Jackers
Ian Douglas
audiobookEarth Strike
Ian Douglas
audiobookGalaxy Raiders: Abyss : Galaxy Raiders, Book 1
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Agendas
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Agendas : Solar Warden Book 3
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Hostiles
Ian Douglas
audiobookFolk Tales from the Canal Side
Ian Douglas
Ian Douglas
audiobookAlien Secrets
Ian Douglas
audiobookBright Light
Ian Douglas