
You Already Know How to Be Great : A Simple Way to Remove Interference and Unlock Your Greatest Potential


“If knowledge were all it took, we’d all be incredible managers, teachers, parents, and performers. But obviously we’re not. The biggest obstacle in performance isn’t not knowing what to do; it’s not doing what we know.”

Most people who want to get better—at hitting golf shots, negotiating with clients, delivering presentations, or any other field of endeavor—seek out new information. They read a book, take a class, hire an expert tutor. But as Alan Fine has learned from many years of coaching athletes and businesspeople, this “outside-in” approach often doesn’t produce the results people want. More information becomes a distraction rather than a solution, and high performance remains elusive.

Fortunately, there’s a better way. Fine has developed and honed a unique “inside-out” approach to performance improvement. In this audio book he explains how to remove the obstacles that get in the way of applying the skills and knowledge we already have. The key is unlocking what he calls Faith, Fire, and Focus; confidence in our ability, high-energy and passion, and focused attention on the things that really matter.

This ideal state can be summoned quickly through a simple four-step process, which Fine has taught to top CEOs and front-line employees, world-class pro athletes and struggling weekend golfers, to musicians, teachers, and people in fields he knew nothing about. No matter who you are or what you do, this audio book will help you get better.

Lukija: Alan Fine
