In the second installment of Robin Kaye's Bad Boys of Red Hook series, Brooklyn bad boy Logan Blaise hires Skye as the new chef at the family restaurant and a whirlwind romance ensues.
The Power to Break
Lisa Suzanne
audiobookThe Love Study
Kris Ripper
audiobookFaux Pas
Natasha Madison
audiobookLost Wolf
Stacy Claflin
audiobookMoon Flower
Christina Lee
audiobookThe Necromancer’s Reckoning
SJ Himes
audiobookThe Hate Project
Kris Ripper
audiobookBook Boyfriend
Kris Ripper
audiobookScratch the Surface
Mary Calmes
audiobookMy Whole World
Davidson King
audiobookA King to be Claimed
Brea Alepoú
audiobookWorth the Risk
Kate Hawthorne