GPS Praxis Books by Red Bike (english)

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The practical guide to your GPS device, the GPSMAP 64 series,

Now with Live-Track instructions for all "s" models.

This compactly written book includes everything you need to know as a GPS beginner for a meaningful and quick start into the field. It deals with details that are often tripping hazards and therefore removes the general fear of being immersed with an outdoor unit into the practical application of the "Global Positioning System." With many example situations, countless images and a clearly structured table of contents, it shows you step-by-step what to do on the GPS device and the PC.

You´ll receive an overview of optional maps and accessories, learn the meaning of all GPS terms and the coordinate systems to be used, learn necessary and useful settings on the device and get a practical insight into tour planning and analysis on the PC. (PC instructions primarily for Windows users)

> American-English translation of the original German title "GPS Praxisbuch GPSMap64-Serie"

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